During this period of down time, I want to share tips with you on how to keep moving and improve your flexibility!
Stretch of the Week: Click the link to send you to the Facebook video. I will update this list every Monday
Week #1: Adductor stretch with Thread the Needle
Week #2: Lat Foam Roller Release
Week #3: Psoas (hip flexor) Stretch with T-Spine Rotation
Week #4: Side Lying Thoracic Spine Rotation
Week #5: Calf Lunge Stretch
Week 1: Repeat this circuit 3 x (Equipment: Mini (Looped) Band)
- 20 squats; 20 pulses @ bottom of squat
- 20 alternating lunges; 10 lunge pulses per side
- Plank walk outs x 10
- Monster walk with mini band x 40 side to side & 45 degree fwd/back
- High plank lateral arm tap out x 20
- Table top with knees on pillow x 20
- Single leg deadlift x 10 per side
- Single leg squat x 10 per side
- Push up x 12
- Side plank with hip raises x 20/side
Week 2: Complete each exercise 3 sets of 12 reps (Equipment: Dumbbells) I break these up into groups of 2
Workout A:
- Deadlift
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Squat
- Bicep Curl
- Bench Press
- Curl & Press
- Bent over Rows
- Curtsy Lunge
Workout B: Cardio
Run Outside: 35 minutes
Workout C: Full Body Strength; Equipment: Dumbbells, 3 sets of 12
- Squat
- Sumo Deadlift
- Bent over row
- Bent over bicep curl with tricep kickback
- Chest Press
- Lateral shoulder raise
- Weighted Step up- 12 per leg
- KB Swing: Could use kettlebell or bottle of bleach (eg).
Week 3:
Workout A:
Run outside 25 minutes
Workout B:
1 hour walk outside
Stairs (in my building) 25 minutes Even # flights: 1 step at a time: Run a flight/walk a flight: 9 flights; Odd # flights: skip a step: 9 flights
Vinyasa Yoga through Yoga Santosha Live Stream: 60 minutes
Workout C: 45 min HIIT session provided by Solis Movement
Workout D: 45 minute Vinyasa Yoga provided by Solis Movement
Week 4:
Workout A: Run outside 35 minutes
Workout B: Circuit: 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off: Repeat 3 times All with 15 lb dumbbells
Bicep Curl
Push Press
Single Arm Row
Curtsy Lunges
Tricep Kickback
Forward Dynamic Lunge
Monster Walks
Push ups