1. What is the difference between Athletic Therapy (AT) and Physiotherapy (PT)?

Athletic Therapists (ATs) and Physiotherapists (PTs) both treat musculoskeletal injuries. However they differ in their professional designations, education, and scope of practice. Physiotherapists have a broader scope of practice then Athletic Therapists. In addition to treating musculoskeletal injuries, physiotherapists treat cardiac and respiratory conditions, strokes, amputations and other ailments. Athletic Therapists only treat musculoskeletal injuries: muscles, bones, ligaments and joints. Many Athletic Therapists have experience working with elite athletes, so we try and bring the sport medicine approach executed at the elite level to the general public.

Athletic Therapists are commonly recommended to people who are seeking rehabilitation from injuries that limit their active lifestyle or sport performance. Some individuals think, well I’m not an athlete so I can’t see you. Being active can encompass a wide variety of tasks: walking down the street or picking up a your child or grandchild for example.

2. What is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) and will I be sore after?

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FSST) is an assisted stretching technique done on a massage table.

The focus of FST is to improve the flexibility of the body’s fascia- the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles throughout the entire body. In FST, muscles are stretched along with the fascia to achieve optimal range of motion and flexibility.

You may be sore after the first session as your body commonly doesn’t move in these positions, but it shouldn’t last more then a day.

3. What can I expect in my Initial Assessment?

You’re Initial Assessment will include a history, gait analysis, range of motion, strength testing, some joint special tests and functional movements i.e. squat, single leg balance, any sport specific movements you perform etc. Here we will discuss your activity goals and build you a rehabilitation plan! Together we will decide how frequent your visits should be and I will go over what we will do in the treatment session. We will finish the session by going over a few home exercises.

4. Does my insurance cover AT?

Insurance benefit providers usually cover Athletic Therapy. Sometimes Athletic Therapy and Physiotherapy are grouped together, but it differs plan to plan. Check your plan to see what it offers.

5. When do I do my exercises?

You will do your exercises at home! Ideally 1-3 times before you see me again. Once the exercises become easy I will progress them to be more challenging. If any of the exercises cause you pain please let me know and we will modify it!