
I had a new client last week who explained their last several weeks of rehab at another clinic where the 30 minute appointment looked like this:

Are there activities you would love to do but you have no idea where to begin? Or are you worried about a past injury flaring

Stretching: Am I Doing Enough?

Flexibility is a passion of mine, as inflexibility can lead to so many issues.  The biggest problem I have found is that people don’t stretch

In my clinical experience, I found out real quickly how much people accept pain, especially chronic pain, as their “normal”. They make the pain part

When I talk to people in the community, this is commonly what I hear: “I’m not an athlete, so I can’t see an Athletic Therapist.”

Hiking in Alberta

Got Out To The Mountains Last Weekend and Did A Ton Of Hiking! Prior To Moving To Alberta I Thought I Knew What A Hike