
Low Back Pain

Have you struggled with low back pain and unsure where to turn, or only getting temporary relief? Don’t accept your pain, find a solution that

Sport Specific Training

Training to better your sport? Running, hockey, swimming, whatever it may be. You should think about the demands of your particular sport and train those

Can you fire your core?

I grew up golfing, and when I started to finally train with a focus on core strength and full body movements, I noticed a huge

“I have tried everything”

Something I keep experiencing again and again are patients that come to me and in their Athletic Therapy initial assessment they say, “I’ve tried everything,

“What is the difference between Physiotherapists and Athletic Therapists?” A question I get asked A LOT! Well here is the answer: Athletic Therapists (ATs) and


I talk about hydration with almost every Athletic Therapy patient I have. I drink a ton of water myself, so I want to spread the