Nutrition Webinar: Bone Health


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Join us Monday March 27 on Zoom to learn about Nutrition and Bone Health!

More than Calcium – Bone Health is much more than just calcium supplements and this upcoming athletic season you can start eating to support your bone health.  This webinar goes into much more than just Calcium as Nutrition changes you can start making now to building stronger bones! You’ll learn about how to eat to build stronger bones and muscles, what to eat after physical activity, supplements other than calcium you need to consider and much more! Be sure to register now to start building some stronger bones!

Ben is a Registered Dietitian, Sports Dietitian and an athlete who is trained as both a chef and pastry chef. He thrives on creating unique, customized interventions for each athlete he works with. He works with everyone from weekend warriors to nationally ranked professional athletes, from Olympic champions to celebrities.

Some of the topics that will be discussed include:

  • Factors affecting Bone Mineral Density loss with age
  • What makes strong bones
  • How to eat to build muscle
  • Supplements that can help

The recording will be sent out afterwards.